• Process Hazard Analysis (HAZID, HAZOP, ENVID)
    • CHAZOP
    • Fire Safety Studies
    • COMAH
    • Project Risk Assessment (PHSER) and Audits
    • Emergency Planning


                     Traditional HAZOP does not cover all failure modes of Control system and SIL study focuses on safety system on single loop basis, hence the concept of CHAZOP becomes inevitable in the current trend of technical advancement in Plant Operations. CHAZOP is a procedure for safety and reliability analysis of processes where the Control and Computer systems are the main focus of the review to determine how they can fail and deviate from design. It is a hazard identification process of a system comprising complex control systems or programmable devices i.e DCS, ESD, Fire and Gas Detection System and other Vendor package UCP and Devices, etc. It also covers the Control and Safety system including network architecture, workstations, switching networks, key communications/power cable routing, data transfer strategies, human-machine interface issues, back-up strategies, and power sources/reliability. The CHAZOP will use a structured approach to identify potential weaknesses of instrument control and computer systems and record hazards and operability concerns on a system to system basis.